
Your Body Isn’t How You Want It Because You Are Denying It (and yourself) Pleasure

Pleasure is innate.  It’s just part of who we are.  When we aren’t letting it flow it means we’re stifling ourselves … and that leads to all kinds of maladies.  In every area.

Too often, you’re denying yourself pleasure, aren’t you?  On purpose even! Because you don’t think you’re worthy of it yet.

Your body isn’t in the shape you believe it should be in to justify the pleasure.

To justify deserving the pleasure.

Whether that’s sexual or dietary or nutrition wise.  You’re keeping pleasure at bay and you deserve better than that — and you know it.  

You abuse your body thinking that if you punish it enough, eventually it will fall in line.  

Let’s be clear:


This is exactly why I address body change as a holistic transformation.  

If you’re abusing your body to try to get it to where it should be before you enjoy it, you’re very likely doing that to yourself in other areas, too.  (And once you clean it up with your body, the rest of your life will begin to follow suit.)

You’re coming from a place of punitive measure, and my darling friend, that never sticks long term.  Because ultimately we know what a bunch of bullshit it is to punish ourselves FOR BEING WHO WE ARE.

It’s not the actual diet.

It’s not the actual exercise.

It’s not the punishment.

It’s the belief you have about your deservingness that’s causing you to see your body the way you do.

Allowing pleasure — what really lights YOU up uniquely — is part of what will allow you to finally and forever love your body and enjoy it as the vessel carrying you through this life.  

I have one whole module dedicated to this in Fiercely Fit. 

If you’re drawn to this message, it means it’s time to take back control right now.  

Join us below.

Be fierce,



Just uniquely tailored guidance to help you LOSE WEIGHT, GET TONED, BE CONFIDENT, and FINALLY LOVE YOUR BODY (for real).

Fiercely Fit is open for enrollment!  

I struggled with my body image for years.  Like over two decades worth of years. I was overweight and then anorexic in high school, and even after overcoming that, I would focus so much more on the parts of my body that didn’t measure up.  No matter how thin I was, no matter how quickly I dropped pregnancy weight, no matter who told me they thought I looked good, it didn’t click.

I just couldn’t find love for my body.

Until I decided I was no longer available for hating the beautiful vessel that carries me through this life.

I know the ins and outs of nutrition and exercise and weight lifting.  My Dad was a personal trainer and weight loss coach, and having spent much of my life focused on trying to feel that my body was good enough, I learned quite a bit on my own.

But most importantly, I have expert training in the mindset and spiritual work necessary to get you the change you desire.  The body you desire starts within.

I have just FIFTEEN spots open for women who are thoroughly frustrated (maybe even downright angry as hell!) with the yo-yo bs of the fad diets, the container and 80 day whatever nonsense, who have come to have a hate/despise relationship with their body, and who wants a PERMANENT solution to become Fierce Fit for life!

What this program will do for you:


  • Lose the weight that doesn’t belong on your gorgeous vessel
  • Get that toned, svelte look that is just right *for you* 
  • Completely embody adoring your body and feeling sexy and confident AF all the damn time because that’s just who you are now 

This could look like:

>Powerfully owning every room you enter

>Finally loving buying clothes that you REALLY want to wear (not just what you think you have to wear).

>Not settling for mediocre and lackluster relationships any longer (yup — this body confidence isn’t just skin deep, baby).

>Finally standing in your power and making decisions as the confident AF diva that you are

Some more benefits:

>Knowing you can and will accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

>Not asking for permission to live the life you want.

>No longer being manipulated.

>No longer settling for a mere pittance of what you want.

>Walking confidently into any scenario and KNOWING you already have it perfectly handled

>and so much more.

Come join me in Fiercely Fit — a 7 day online course uniquely tailored to guide you individually to lose weight, get toned, be confident, and finally LOVE your body.

We will FULLY cover:

Changing your body/fitness story






Habits and Habit Stacking


Facebook Group for added support

Fiercely Fit IS for the Ambitious, Driven, Passionate woman who…

Feels shackled & sidelined from embodying who they know themselves to truly be because of their current body situation 

Has had confidence, self-talk, and self-image damaged

Often finds herself stressed, anxious, or struggling to be present

Finds herself reminiscing back to how you used to feel and BE when you were at your body best (and wondering why the hell you hated your body back then, too)

Is sick and tired of being where she is, and is ready for a MASSIVE shift in mindset and entire life experience

This program is NOT for women who…

Are not willing to go all in on their goals

Are not ready to make a serious change

Are negative and make excuses for why they are in their current situation.

Refuse to take extreme ownership

If you’re feeling called, it’s absolutely time.  Let’s do this.

Go here to enroll:
