
That Fake Stability Isn’t Going to Keep You Safe (and you don’t need it)

You were born for the chaos.

If you feel like emotional chaos or physical chaos has been present for a majority of your life and stability seemed out of reach — it was preparing you for something.

So don’t go running into the stability, into the fake stability, into what you think you need to have in order to thrive.

When people say you’re afraid of change that’s fucked up bullshit.

You are not afraid of change. You thrive in transitions, in chaos, in change.

That’s what drives you!

Stop letting other people’s ideas of what they need or what they think you need be projected onto you.

That’s not for you — that’s for them.

Their ideas of limits, their ideas and goals, their ideas of their most amazing life, is not yours.

You need to stay aligned with what your ideal is and that chaos you think is wrong is actually where all the good stuff emanates from!

If you really want to live your desires, if you really want to allow through what’s meant to come through for you, you need to understand that the chaos is the good stuff.

When you feel it you don’t have to rail against it because that chaos does not mean that you’re not safe.

It may have meant that before because of certain people who didn’t understand what you need and how you need it, but the chaos is there FOR you.

The chaos is actually all of the possibilities open to you.

Just allow the chaos and sit in it and be peaceful within it and let it swirl around you —not enter you but swirl around you.

Allow the external chaos to swirl because that is when all of the shit is getting rearranged. That is when everything that you want is flying around and being magnetized to you so you just need to stay steady.

The problem before was that you felt the need to get caught up in other peoples chaos and their reaction to the chaos and their inability to handle the chaos.

You were meant for it.

You were meant to thrive in it.

Now go win.

Be fierce,


P.S.  Ready for a powerful dose of psychology, spirituality, behavioral science, and a community of other kick-ass ambitious women like you?  Come join us in The Fierce AF Sisterhood.