
Why You’re Still Doing What Doesn’t Work

Every action you take is because it gives you a reward.

Even the things that aren’t moving the needle for you, even the things that are causing you pain — you’re doing them because somehow you are getting a pay off.

Think about it.

I mean, really think about it.

What could possibly be the payoff for continuing to do something that doesn’t serve you?

You don’t feel safe in allowing in what you want so you keep self-sabotaging.

Reward = safety (within what you already know)

You don’t feel entirely certain that that job or relationship or any other risk will give you the outcome you desire so you keep it all at bay, or leave when it starts to feel too deep.

Reward = certainty (within what you already know)

The good stuff, the stuff that rings your bells, the things that ACTUALLY WORK, are outside of what you already know, what you’ve already been doing.

It could be completely different action you need to take, or it could be setting your confidence, faith and focus back on track and the aligned action will be similar.

But you won’t know that until you stop allowing the faulty reward to keep you stuck.

You have to choose to look at the situation differently, and reframe the reward.

Because let’s be real — it’s not that fucking rewarding anymore, is it?

Be fierce,


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