
The Truth About The People Not Showing Up For You

You’re pretty sick of getting lackluster (or maybe no) results, aren’t you?

That relationship isn’t blossoming into what you know you’re meant for.

The money isn’t flowing like you want it to.

Day to day life isn’t as enjoyable as you know it should be.

You’re sick to bloody hell of just surviving.  Of settling.  

You’re also sick of making all of the excuses for everyone else.

You don’t let yourself off the damn hook, so you can’t figure out why you’re letting everyone and everything else off so easily.  

I mean, sure, you give it to them straight.  You let them know exactly how you feel. You stand firmly in your knowingness of everything they aren’t providing to you and what they should be doing differently.  

That right there?

You think it shows your strength, right?  Your power. You damn well better believe everyone is going to know what I’m worth! 

Well, dear Sister, you actually *are* letting yourself off the hook.  

You’re the only one in your way.

It’s not the man, it’s not the career or business, it’s not life itself fucking with you.

Your focus determines your outcomes.  Period.

When you keep your focus on what everyone and everything else is doing wrong, how they’re not showing up for you, you’re missing the whole point.

Which is:


Answer this question, and start taking action to show up for yourself finally, and you’ll see the movement you desire.  

Be fierce,


If you want guidance and support in showing up for yourself consistently, come join us in The Fierce AF Sisterhood.