
The Super Sneaky Secret Every Ambitious Woman Needs to Know

We’ve been tricked — at the very least, conditioned — into thinking that it takes hard work to get what we want… that it takes hard work to be successful.

This is because we see someone else in +their+ flow state, and the amount of physical action they’re taking seems massive, especially if their unique flow state doesn’t match ours.

That is when the action they are taking seems like “hard work” and feels heavy, because it’s not our flow. It’s not coming from our heart.

Success and getting what we want is NOT about hard work.

It is about effortlessness. It is about flow.

Find your flow and honor it ruthlessly and relentlessly.

With love,


Looking for support with this?  Go here to set up a discovery call so we can get to know each other and I can share how I will set you up for success.

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The Fierce Sisterhood

Melissa Harrison Coaching

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