
Why Alpha Women Must Quiet the Reasoning Mind

I know.  I know that as an intelligent woman who adores learning and growing, you have come to treasure your ability to reason, to use logic, to think things through.

I’m quite certain, too, that you have been heavily praised for your ability to do that, and do it well.

All manner of external rewards have been heaped upon you, I’m certain of it.

But this has been to your detriment

Yes, really.

Your true power is your intuition — the consistent listening to your inner voice, the quiet nudge that the reasoning mind will tell you is crazy.  

I’m sure you’ve heard it said, the mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.  That’s because it wasn’t designed to make decisions.

Your body tells you the best decision in each and every moment through your intuitive nudges.  

Those nudges are literally life/God/Universe/Source telling you which thought is best, which thought pattern is best, which action is best, which people are best, which situations are best… just for you — uniquely you based on your desires.  

Remember.  Your desires are the way life lives through you.  Life is seeking the experience of being you, of you being you full out.  

In order for that to truly happen, you need to quiet the reasoning mind so you can learn to always trust, rely on, and follow your instincts.  

And here’s the kicker.  

When you don’t follow your intuition, your reasoning mind will make up stories to corroborate what your intuition was telling you to do anyway. This is how the perception of anxiety, toxic relationships, etc, appear.   (The mind is always the servant, whether it wants to believe it or not.)  

Your intuition will always win, sooner or later.

Let go of the need to rationalize and embrace the beauty of intuitive living.  

The success you think you’re seeking is on the other side of the intuitive action.

Every time.

With love,


Looking for support with this?  Go here to set up a discovery call so we can get to know each other and I can share how I will set you up for success.

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The Fierce Sisterhood

Melissa Harrison Coaching

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