
Why It Seems Like It’s Not Happening (and yet another reason why alpha women need to quiet their reasoning minds)

I know how difficult it can seem to turn off the overthinking powerhouse of a mind  you have.  Especially when you’ve been so thoroughly rewarded for using it as you have.

And you’ve been using it, most likely for the majority of your life, to reason, to force, to control things into being.

But tell me.  How’s that working for you?

I know you have accolades and accomplishments galore.  But are they really satisfying?  Are they really the fulfillment of the goal you actually set (not the one you shared — the one that’s on your heart).

Yes, I know about that goal.  I know about that dream, that desire.

You’ve settled quite a bit, and I know that’s hard to admit, especially to yourself.

But we are where we are.

And I know the way forward.  

The reason it seems like the entirety of what you want, the real desire, the complete goal hasn’t been realized is because you’re failing to acknowledge something.

The fully realized dream is right here, right now.  

Yes, really.

But you haven’t focused on the picture.  You’ve been too busy looking at the frame — at the form that you think isn’t coming.

What if, for even just a moment or two, you acknowledged that the essence of the desire, the way you know you will feel when the outcome occurs, is present in other forms, in other areas of your life?

Can you go down that road with me for a just a second?

How will you feel when the outcome you want happens?  Focus on that.  The essence of it.  


Where else in your life do you feel that same way?

I promise it’s there.

It’s likely that because it wasn’t presenting itself in the form you kept telling yourself you NEEDED, you were denying its presence.

Which is also, interestingly, how you were denying the presence in the form you want.

So, I encourage you to turn off your reasoning mind.  Turn that logical lady right off.  

And get back into your body, into your sense, into your intuition.

Allow yourself to be grateful for how what you want is showing up at all.

And then?

You’ll see it in the form you want.

Remember:  picture, not the frame.

With love,


Looking for support with this?  Go here to set up a discovery call so we can get to know each other and I can share how I will set you up for success.

Also, I’d love for you to come join me here:

The Fierce Sisterhood

Melissa Harrison Coaching

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