
How to Overcome FOMO (and what it actually is)

If you frequent the communities I lead, you have heard me say quite often that fear means GO. Fear is not a sign of something foreboding or an indication that you are going in the wrong direction. It truly means… TAKE THAT ACTION.


The one fear that most definitely does not mean go is FOMO.

This is because it’s not actually a sign that you’re shedding the ego or personality.

It happens because of the attachment your ego has to something seemingly comfortable, even if it’s holding you back or keeping you stuck.

(Side note: you need to have many, many ego/personality deaths in this life if you are going to live as you are called to live.)

If you find yourself thinking “but what if I never experience this” or “what if I never experience this again” do these three things:

>>> Pause and take three deep breaths. Then strike a pose. Seriously, the Wonder Woman pose. For 60 seconds. This will help center you and regulate the stress hormones. Calm down, sassy amygdala.

>>> Take note of how you think you will feel is you don’t “miss out.” This is actually what you’re seeking. It’s an essence.

>>> Purposefully seek other areas in your life where you feel that way. They’re there.

You must take acknowledge and appreciate the form something is currently being delivered to you in before it can show up on the form you desire.

With love,


PS. Come join my free FB group The Fierce Sisterhood. You’ll get daily insights, tips, and strategies to keep you invigorated, inspired, and disciplined so you can live the success you desire. BONUS – you’ll be in a community of like-minded women who ruthlessly support each other. See you in there!