
What’s Really Happening When You Surrender

I’ve written about the concept and practice of surrender several times.  You can go here and here to read more.  I also talk about it often in my Facebook group and with my private clients.

I want you to understand what’s actually occurring as you practice surrender, because this will be a game changer for you.

As I’ve said many times, being fierce means NOT forcing. Not forcing one damn thing.  That requires a lot of discipline and practice for ambitious women are are always on the go and who have been heavily rewarded for what appears to be making things happen.  

Ultimately, though, we don’t “make” anything happen.  

We step into BEING a different version of ourselves, aligned with the situation or circumstance we want to be experiencing, we begin to DO things differently or BEHAVE / interact with the external world differently, and then what we want is delivered to us — we HAVE it.  


Beingness is about deliberately and consistently thinking the thoughts we will be thinking when the desired reality / experience shows up.  We have to continue to think those thoughts NOW in order to step into being that version of ourselves.

Yes, it’s that simple.

Not always easy, as old thoughts are habitual and like to lurk around as they are released.  But it truly is as simple as being disciplined with your thoughts.

Doing / Behaving

Once the new thought patterns are beginning to create the new perspective, our behavior automatically changes.  We behave from our beingness — and what we believe ourselves to be — so when that shifts, so too does the behavior.  

As our behavior and interaction with the external world shifts, the external world will begin to reflect back to us how we are being and behaving.  =

It does not take long for this to occur.  


The more powerfully you continue to be and behave differently, the more potent the outcome shift will be, and you will begin to HAVE what you are desiring. 

In order for us to allow this change to take place, we have to surrender.  A lot.

Surrender the old thoughts.

Surrender how we think what we want will be delivered to us.

Surrender old patterns of behavior.

Surrender the outcome itself (so we don’t limit what we can have).

The tendency is to grasp, to try to hold on tightly to what is familiar.  This is the work — letting go of the need to control.   And this is where having someone who understands the process and can hold you accountable is essential.

Friends mean well, but they are often times quite tied to you remaining who you are, for a variety of reasons.  The best thing you can do for your growth, your joy, and to best serve those you came to serve, is to hire a coach to guide you.  

With love,






—> are successful professionals in various fields (business owners, professors/teachers, accountants, coaches, etc.)

—> are dedicated to personal growth and improvement

—> are growth minded and desire resolution

—> have tried traditional therapy and it didn’t yield them the results they desire (OR, have an aversion to traditional therapy)




✅ increase their earning potential and tangible earnings so that they’re finally living the freedom they desire

✅ have a constant flood of new opportunities flowing to them so that they’re constantly growing (in ways that truly light them up)

✅ release toxic relationships of all kinds so that they’re available for relationships that enrich and enhance their lives (and they actually find them)

✅ Successfully left toxic marriages and went on to: win in court, become excellent co-parents, find loving, healthy relationships

✅ break the immobilizing hold anxiety energy has had over them so that they get off the hamster wheel of mediocrity and are free to catapult their results

✅ become the healthiest version of themselves they’ve ever experienced (including ditching pharmaceutical intervention) so that they have the energy to play full out

✅ become powerfully aligned with God/Universe so that they are able to consistently tap into their core power any time they need (following their intuition!)

✅Maximizing career opportunities and greatly increasing income

✅Received publishing deals with major publishers in their industry

✅Finished second book

✅Powerfully raising standards and living them

✅ and more




—> One on One Coaching (various packages)

—> Group Coaching

—> A Mastermind

—> Online Courses

—> Online Trainings

—> Laser Clarity Sessions

On all manner of topics relevant to ambitious, high-achieving women leaders.




—> Overcoming anxiety

—> Breaking generational patterns

—> Leaving toxic/abusive relationships (and allowing in healthy relationships)

—> Parenting

—> Financial / wealth mindset (and subsequent appropriate actions to reach goals)

—> Career / business mentoring




—> Master’s in Psychology (specialty in Leadership Development and Coaching)

—> Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis

—> 5 years working in the legal profession

—> 9+ years working in education

—> 6+ years successfully coaching clients


Send me a private message or email me at melissacatherineharrison@gmail.com so we can begin our work together.