
How to Overcome Decision Fatigue

I get it. As an ambitious woman, you want to be all the things, do all the things, have all the things. In the process of this dance, however, you are making a fvckton of decisions. And that, my darling friend, can lead to decision fatigue — deteriorating quality of decisions after long sessions of decision making — if you aren’t approaching your days with the right mindset.

The horror.

There is a way to combat this, however.

First, begin your day with the affirmation: I always have way more than enough time and energy for all the decisions I need and want to make today.

While this may seem trivial, I assure you that setting up the lens through which you view the world makes all the difference. Write this down daily, or write it down in a place you can read it daily.

Second, look for evidence that you have way more than enough time and energy for things in your life. Which parts of your life are you able to fully show up for with seemingly minimal effort? Notice those.

Third, drop the need for perfection. Done well is better than not done because you’re afraid it won’t be perfect. Releasing the grip this has on you will also free up a ton of mental and emotional energy.

Lastly, streamline your decisions by making lists (only include the “big” ideas, leave the details off the list — we are trying to underwhelm not overwhelm), and by letting others make as many decisions as possible.

If you operate in decision fatigue long enough, you’ll like land in indecision. I mean, your brain can only take so much. When this happens, it feels like you’re on the proverbial hamster wheel, and I know how much you dislike that.

So, I have three easily implementable tips for you to kill that indecision. Go here to get them.

With love,
