
How the Dance of High Standards and Zero Expectations Creates Fierce Movement Forward

I have said it time and time again.  As a leader, you must have the highest standards, and within those standards, zero expectations.

Your standards dictate what you will and will not allow in your presence and energy.  Maintaining those standards means you must be diligent and ruthless (compassionate and kind, yes, but still — ruthless) about discarding what does not align with them.  Period.

Within that bubble of non-negotiables however, you must have zero expectations as to how it all plays out.  This can seem like indifference.  

And it is. 

The hardest part of releasing what no longer serves passionate, ambitious women is this requirement that they become indifferent. 

How can a woman who cares so damn much possibly allow herself to not care at all?

To seem complacent. To be at ease with the appearance that she isn’t fighting to make change. 

Answer: she doesn’t. 

Instead …

She focuses her passion on what is to come, on her desire, in what has been promised, thereby allowing herself to remain detached from, unmoved by, indifferent to what needs to fall away. 

The practice of intentional indifference is what allows fierce women to hold to their standards, while having zero expectations.  She remains unmoved by what is clearing out, by what she is no longer available for.  She does not let temporary emotions dissuade her belief, her knowledge, that what she desires is already hers, and making decisions from that place.  

No matter what.

Only then is she truly being the fierce leader she is called to be, and guiding herself, and her community through her example, on the right path.  

With love,


Come join our group of amazing women leaders: The Fierce AF Sisterhood.