
Honor it, But Don’t Worship It

I created a little buzz on a social media platform when I said that ruminating about something, overthinking it, over analyzing it is akin to worshipping it.

Worshipping something means you’ve placed it on a pedestal.  

You’ve given it power over you. 

In doing so, and with your undoubted intense attention on it, you’re continuing to give it life (when in reality, you want it to succumb).  

Chances are if the problem just won’t release or you seem stuck in a holding pattern — a certain cycle of fuckery —  you’re likely stuck in your head about it, rather than being in your heart about it.

You’ve placed the problem on a pedestal, and are worshipping it.  

And your heart — not your lovely overthinking mind — has the answers.  It is the seat of your intuition.  

If you continue to ruminate and stay stuck in your head, you cannot be in your heart.  

Ultimately, the conditions, the story you keep telling about why you feel what you feel and why you think you have to take certain action aren’t really the cause …  they are just symptoms.

The cause is the underlying emotion seeking release, and it is perpetuating circumstances in your life — that stuck pattern — until you address it.  

Yes, honor that problem is there — by honoring the energy behind it.  

Repressed energy only comes back with a vengeance.

And remember:

Indifference is the knife that severs, (reaction) is the tie that binds.  — Neville Goddard.

When you stay stuck in your head, you are in reactive mode.

The only way you can become indifferent, 

is to stop ruminating about it, 

stop being in your head about it, 

take it off the pedestal, 

and honor the emotions that arise by feeling into them fully.  


I share the framework of what I teach and guide my clients through in order to effectively address problems, and create true fulfillment and calm in their lives in The Fierce Feminine™ Secret: The Misconceptions, The Truth, and The Heart-Centered Winning Strategy.

Go here to get the in-depth video training ($49, no email required).
