
Fiat Lux, and How to End the Battle with Indecision

When you finally shine your light of awareness (“Fiat lux!” you say. “Let there be light!”), and you finally allow yourself to own what it is you want, your real desires — something curious can happen.

cr: illinoisfamily.org

A lot of the *opposite* of what you want.  Like a whole lot of chaos and clearing.  

So first, the old energy, the resistance, the blocks, have to be released.

It is in this space that most people check out.

They think they’ve done something wrong, or it isn’t meant to be, or timing is wrong.

No.  No no no.

This is when everything is going right, and it’s up to you to recognize it and continue moving forward.

Behaviorally, you need to start seeing this old energy clearing out as a sign, a trigger, that you are on the right path, so keep doing what you’re doing.  

However, if you just can’t seem to do that, it’s most likely that you’re still grappling with apparent indecision, so you cannot let the light just be.  

You feel overwhelmed.  

I truly understand.  

So I have something to help you with that.  

I have three, quick, actionable tips for you to help you get out of indecision and back into action.  

Go here to grab them.

With Love,
