
Done Over Perfect: Your New Mantra for Creative and Personal Growth

I worked with a marketing consultant known for her innovative strategies.  She was trapped in a cycle of perfectionism. Her clients loved her work, but they didn’t see the toll it took on her. Every project had to be flawless, leading her to spend countless nights refining presentations and proposals, second-guessing her expertise.

This quest for perfection began to erode her confidence and creativity. She started to turn down projects, fearing she couldn’t meet her own impossible standards.

Anxiety and self-doubt crept in, making it hard for her to enjoy her successes or recognize her achievements. The joy she once found in her work was replaced by fear of criticism, both from herself and others.

She reached out to me, knowing I could help her lovely neurospicy mind find the strategies it needed.  Together we worked on her embracing a “done over perfect” approach.

In the entrepreneurial world, especially for neurodiverse, ambitious women, embracing the mantra “done is better than perfect” can liberate you from the shackles of perfectionism, fostering a healthier, more creative, and fulfilling journey.

This mindset is not about lowering standards but about merging the resilience of your body, the agility of your mind, and the peace of your spirit into a harmonious flow that propels you toward your goals with joy and ease.

Letting go of perfection allows your body to escape the constant stress that perfectionism breeds, reducing cortisol levels and enhancing your overall well-being.

This physical release is mirrored in the mind, where the fear of failure dissipates, making room for a renewed sense of creativity and problem-solving abilities.

As your body and mind align in this newfound freedom, your spirit soars, embracing imperfections as opportunities for growth and learning, deeply enriching your personal and entrepreneurial journey.

With Love



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