
The Truth About Confidence for Fierce Leaders

It is an honor for me to work with incredibly successful, powerful women.

Given their professional and personal accolades and accomplishments, it always surprises them when something comes at them that they do not know how to handle. These women have Ph.D.’s, own businesses, are professors at prestigious universities, successful real estate professionals, scientists, musicians… these women are game changers and take risks, boldly live, and kick ass doing so.

When a worthwhile challenge appears and they begin to feel stagnant or even stuck, I know right away what’s needed. It does not matter what area of life in which the situation presents itself. The guidance is always the same.

The only way I can guide these women to navigate what seems unmanageable is to get them out of their heads.

True confidence is a feeling. The actions we see being taken that appear confident stem only from confident energy. Now to be clear, that doesn’t mean fear isn’t a passenger, or even a co-pilot. We don’t tell fear to get out of the vehicle. We tell it to buckle up.

Because you see…confidence does not come from what you know how to do. It comes from trusting that you will be perfectly guided in each moment, especially when you don’t know what to do.

To trust that, to believe that, you must get out of your head, and into your body. You must be able to trust what your body is telling you, and be able to hear your intuition, and then follow it.

That is truly confident action.

And often times, what presents as feeling like confidence is lacking, is really a sneaky way for indecision and difficulty with trusting intuition to take hold.

When powerful women begin to hear, trust, listen to and follow their intuition they become fierce — and unstoppable.

I have three simple yet powerful steps I teach to shift indecision. I’d love for you to click here to get the steps.

With love and to your success,
