
The Sister Circle: A Fierce Feminine£ Leader Mastermind

A Fierce Feminine™ Leader Mastermind

pc/ Ivana Doria Photography

The mission:

To support fierce women leaders to remain authentic and acting with integrity in all facets of life, in continuing and increasing the influence and impact they’re meant to give, providing accountability, and a space to align with like-minded powerful and successful women.

This is for you if:

you’re an ambitious successful woman
you’ve built a burgeoning empire
you’re in the process of building your empire
you’re persistent, dedicated, driven, relentless
you’re committed to consistent growth
you enjoy the camaraderie and collaboration with other fierce women leaders

What this involves:

One – 60 minute Sister Circle virtual meeting / month covering all manner of topics essential to becoming even more fierce and successful

⚡️ surrender
⚡️ decision making
⚡️ confidence
⚡️ active faith
⚡️ focus
⚡️ mindset
⚡️ standards
⚡️ relationship
⚡️ communication
⚡️ whatever else we decide needs to be addressed

A private, dedicated FB group for support throughout the month. Meetings will be recorded and uploaded here for future reference.

Semi high touch access to me

Collaboration, community, collaboration with other fierce leaders


Membership $97 / month

You may cancel your membership at any time. Just email me at melissacatherineharrison@gmail.com prior to the next billing date.