
Refusing to Settle

How to Remain Fierce No Matter What (What It Really Means to Process Fear and Doubt)

No matter what life event or circumstance you’re traversing, if you are in it to win it, you will encounter fear and doubt.

While being a naturally ambitious person usually affords you the power to push through most fears and doubts, the bigger you go, the heavier the fear and doubt will feel.  

And it can be tempting to forego the full brilliance of who you are because, hell, your partial brilliance is enough to blind most people.

But that is doing yourself and the people you serve a great disservice, my friend.

This will cause you to settle for less — usually much less — than the life that is being called through you.  And you deserve better than that.

So I offer to you a strategy that will allow you to remain fierce (never forcing) as you traverse and transform the heaviest of fears and the strongest of doubts.

First, let’s understand the process.

You contemplate or begin a new endeavor.  Doubt  (a thought or thought pattern based on the dominant story you’re telling yourself about that area of life) pops up, it creates the lens or perspective through which we color the potential endeavor, fear arises, and you engage in either inaction or subdued action.  

This in action or subdued action based on fear is that causes the outcomes that are less than desirable.

Not because you need specific action to get a result, though.

Rather, it’s because you were so caught up in worrying about the result not being what you think it should be (thanks, doubt), that you took a lesser action than life would have you take playing full out.

Read that again.

For as much as we all love to measure results, the true indication of success is in taking the bold, empowered action, rather than setting for the fear based action.  

And then yes, the outcomes will be magnificent, and most likely in ways that you could not predict.

The key, then, is to make the action itself the goal, not the outcome based on the action.

To do this, you have to reframe some things.

1  The thought/thought pattern creating the doubt.  Get curious about what’s kicking around in your mind about that area of life and be deliberate about thinking and shifting thoughts to those that inspire a sense of relief, passion, or power.

2  The lens.  Usually when you reframe the doubting thoughts this will shift automatically, but it is a good idea to still check in and make sure your perspective is one of success.

3  The fear itself.  In these instances, fear means GO.  It doesn’t mean danger is truly imminent.  That’s the doubt talking.  So if fear still tries to win, go back to the story you are telling yourself about this area of life.  Reframe it again.


Ask yourself this:

If I was certain I would succeed and fear was nowhere to be found, what would I do?

Then, go do that damn thing as best you can in the present moment.

Continue to ask yourself that question over and over as you navigate this area of life until it becomes second nature.

At that point, you have programmed yourself to not settle.

With love,


Looking for support with this? GO HERE to book a discovery call so we can get to know each other and I can share how I will set you up for success.